What is a wedge?
Which is a wedge .... A nail or a bolt?
The nail goes into the wood because it has a point (it is the wedge). The bolt will not go in no matter how much force we use because it has no point.
When you hit the nail, your push the point or wedge of the nail into the wood. You use a force on the head of the nail which then pushes the wedge into the wood, cutting it and making a hole in the wood.
When you hit the nail, your push the point or wedge of the nail into the wood. You use a force on the head of the nail which then pushes the wedge into the wood, cutting it and making a hole in the wood.
What do we know about wedges?
If a wedge
has a small angle it does it faster Hannah Bella
It gives
more force Artemis
Made by 2
inclined planes Artemis
something together Micah
Stop things
from rolling down hills Bailey
If you
squash a wedge down the end bit will be more helpful Hamish
A wedge
works by moving
The force is
pushing in further to cut or carve Sophie
A wedge
helps stuff to stay in place Bailey
Use a wedge
to stop a heavy load from moving
A wedge is something you can cut something with - Ayla
A wedge has a sharp end so you can slice open wood - Hunter T
A wedge can be a sharks tooth - Emma
Can be an axe - Sam
Can be a blade on a tractors plough - Hunter B
If you push it really hard a wedge will cut something into pieces - Hunter T
A wedge is 2 inclined planes joined together - Emily
A wedge holds things in place - Sam
A wedge works by moving -
A wedge can be used to lift heavy things - Maidah
A wedge is something you can cut something with - Ayla
A wedge has a sharp end so you can slice open wood - Hunter T
A wedge can be a sharks tooth - Emma
Can be an axe - Sam
Can be a blade on a tractors plough - Hunter B
If you push it really hard a wedge will cut something into pieces - Hunter T
A wedge is 2 inclined planes joined together - Emily
A wedge holds things in place - Sam
A wedge works by moving -
A wedge can be used to lift heavy things - Maidah
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